Get Ready For Round 3 at Madesa MX in Virden


registration deadline

All registrations submitted after Saturday 5pm will be subject to a $25 late fee. We will not accept any race registrations after Sunday 7am.

owned transponders

When registering through Red Podium, please note that “Transponder Required” will be checked by default. Please uncheck if you own and enter your transponder number.

Directions to Madesa MX in Virden.

Directions from stop lights on HWY #1 at Virden

  • Head North on Commonwealth Drive

  • Turn right (East) onto HWY 259, travel approx. 3/4 mile

  • On the North side of the road, there is a sign that reads “Virden Municipal and Industrial Waste Facility”. Turn North down that road and proceed approximately 3.5 miles North.

  • Turn right (East) at the 3.5 mile point and drive 1/4 of a mile and you have reached the track.

There will also be ample signage to lead the way!

If any last minute changes occur on race day they will be announced at the track.

Track your results live throughout the day with the mylaps speedhive app or view the results board at the track as we update throughout the race day.