Get Ready For Round 2 At Moto Park X In Altona!


registration deadline

All registrations submitted after Friday 5pm will be subject to a $25 late fee. We will not accept any race registrations after Sunday 7am.

owned transponders

When registering through Red Podium, please note that “Transponder Required” will be checked by default. Please uncheck if you own and enter your transponder number.

race day schedule revision

The 50cc class will be joining the regular race day schedule for Round 2 as well as a slight change to the race day order.

We will continue to revise our race day order until things run as smoothly as possible. You can find the race day order updates our new Race Day Schedule page. We will try to keep this page as up-to-date as possible and easily accessible.

If any last minute changes occur on race day they will be announced at the track.

open practice/mini thunder

Please note: there will not be open practice or Mini Thunder on Saturday, May 28th in Altona.

Track your results live throughout the day with the mylaps speedhive app or view the results board at the track as we update throughout the race day.


Starting at Altona, the trophies will be in the trophy tent. Trophies will be kept for ONE race, then recycled if they are not picked up at the following race.

Please come and pick up your trophies immediately following the conclusion 30 minute protest period of your 2nd moto. 30 minutes after the last moto of the day is posted, the tent will be packed up and put away for the next race.


The following formula will be used to calculate the pro payback.

  • Up to 300 entries: 100% pro payback

  • 300-350 entries: 120% pro payback

  • 350-400 entries: 150% pro payback.

This information along with other pertinent race weekend details can now be found on our new Race Day Info page.



June 18 + 19, 2022 | Prairie Hill MX, Pilot Mound

The Saturday Amateur Day is a NON POINTS race day, and sign up will be done through the MRC.

Grassroots MX is responsible for supplying transponders and running the day as we normally do - other than that, this is not our event. More information including cost will be available shortly.

Central Canadian Amateur National


June 23 - 26, 2022 | Transcanada Motopark, Brandon

With the excitement building around this event we’d like to give a brief overview of what to expect:

  • All racers are welcome to sign up, no credentials or qualifications needed.

  • If there are more racers than a full gate (40 racers), qualifiers will take place to determine the final 40. If the gate is not full, qualifiers will not be needed.

  • This event will run a 3 moto format as other amateur nationals

Transcanada Motopark in Brandon is hard at work investing their time, energy and money into the track to make it top-notch for some of the top Canadian amateurs to go head-to-head - we can hardly wait!

More information to follow soon!