25% Off Transponder Purchase

Across Canada many organizations using transponders have moved to racers owning their own transponder unit. Our current stock of transponders are beginning to show their age and even though we did acquire 20 new transponders last year, we have decided to migrate to individual transponder ownership.

Together with MyLaps, our race tracking system and transponder provider, we have negotiated and secured a discount rate for 25% off transponders for our members.

To purchase your transponder unit at this discounted rate, copy the discount code below and click Purchase Transponder to head over to MyLaps.com.


With your purchase you will also receive a free Speedhive membership where you can see your lap times, and you will be able to use your transponder at every other event (outside of Grassroots) that uses the Mylaps system. Delivery is estimated at approximately 2-3 weeks if ordered soon.

Transponder Rental Fee

For those that choose not to purchase a transponder we will be charging a $5 fee per race for the use of a transponder. If proof of receipt is shown that a rider has ordered a transponder but not yet received it, then a transponder will be provided free of charge.