Series Planning is Underway!

Happy new year to our motocross community!

First off, our apologies for the lengthy radio silence but rest assured the updates will begin rolling out more frequently from this point onward. There has been much happening behind the scenes and we have some exciting new events coming up for 2022 that will be released shortly. The best news of 2022 by far, has been the COMPLETE lifting of restrictions for outdoor events! Which for us means no Covid back up schedules for the coming season.


To be announced in our next update, hang tight!


Again, our apologies for not getting these out sooner. Year End Awards will be available at the following locations after Wednesday, February 16th. For those of you out-of-province, you will receive your award in the mail.

The year end award trophy pick up has been delayed till next Wednesday, February 23rd as recent road conditions could not allow for pick up and distribution to the various pick up points by this Wednesday. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Capitol Motorsports

  • SAR Steinbach

  • Transcanada Motorsports-Brandon

  • 204 Skate in Selkirk

  • RPM Graphx in Morris


There was a trophy miscommunication with a number of classes at this race. The September Grunthal trophies (for select classes) will be delivered with the year end awards. If you are not receiving a year end award, your trophy will be mailed to you.


License applications will be announced along with our schedule shortly. For those wanting to retain their current race #, your application (once available) must be received by March 15, 2022.

class upgrades

Due to the pandemic and the last 2 years of incomplete seasons, all rider upgrades* will be voluntary at the start of the 2022 season. This year we will again see a Spring Series and Summer Series, following the Spring Series we will be re-evaluating voluntary upgrades if warranted.

*Please note: All Beginner riders are required to upgrade to the Junior class after one season. The beginner class is for first year racers only. No exceptions will be made.

we want to hear from you

The last two years have restricted any kind of meaningful get togethers, or meetings to discuss our race series. We care about what our riders and race community have to say and we want to collectively work together to continue to build on the seasons past. With that said, we will be inviting you to join us in a Virtual Open House to offer your opinions, ask questions and help us forge the future of motocross in Manitoba.

A date, time and link to join the Virtual Open House along with the license applications and 2022 schedule will be released shortly through our News page.

Stay tuned in by joining our email list below.