Series Update

To our motocross community:

Since last Wednesday we have been trying to piece together a revised set of protocols that would allow us to continue racing under the present health order, but we have come across two major stumbling blocks. One part of the public health order restricts any outdoor activity on private or public property to 150 people. We were presented with an opportunity to create separate “pods” in the pits to separate people into these pods, which our Pilot Mound promoter, Kyle McCannell was prepared to organize.

The line in the sand came when we were informed that people entering the facility must provide proof of vaccination if there are more than 150 people on the property, and this is something we are not prepared to do. So, until the public health order changes both in terms of the number of people allowed to an outdoor gathering without having to provide proof of vaccination we are at a stalemate.

Prairie Hill MX is going to run an open practice on Saturday and Sunday-details TBA soon. We will look to re-schedule Pilot Mound to another date. In the meantime, we have attached a link to help you find the MLA in your area. Please reach out to let them know that these orders are unreasonable. We will do our best to work with the health authorities in the coming weeks to get back to racing as soon as it is possible.

