Call for Support
/Lawrence and one of his daughters, Michaela
One of our moto brothers and his family are going through a difficult time as of late. Lawrence Hamm is in a fight with cancer and is currently undergoing both chemotherapy and radiation to put a stop to this horrible disease. A link is available to sign up to help with meals as the treatment will be taking a lot of time and energy from the entire family. We're sure there is a great deal of flexibility in how you decide to help be it gift cards or home cooked meals or pre made items.
Please find below the information that came our way:
Hello friends, colleagues, family of Lawrence,
You’re receiving this invitation because your life has intersected with Lawrence and his family in some way, be it through school, recreation, family relationships or otherwise. No doubt your life has been made better by Lawrence’s welcoming smile and his warm enthusiasm.
Many of you have already reached out in kindness to the family as they begin this journey of cancer treatments. In an effort to coordinate the various groups that care for them, I am organizing an online calendar through Meal Train. You can access this calendar through the link and sign up to bring the family a meal. All the details are in the link below.
Please feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone who might be interested. I will keep adding opportunities to the calendar so keep checking. Any questions, feel free to email me at
Sincerely, Hilda Wiebe
(A very grateful parent who has benefited from Lawrence’s leadership at WMEMS)