That's a wrap for 2020!

As many of you are already aware, Grassroots 204, along with Brett Konkin at Transcanada Moto Park, made the decision late last week to cancel the last race of the season in Brandon due to the Provincial Government increasing their restrictions in the region due to a spike in COVID cases.  We all felt it was in our best interest of both the safety of our members and our reputation as a sport.  We had planned to present our year end championship trophies at the conclusion of the race in Brandon as COVID would not allow us to have a year end awards banquet this fall.  

Further to this, we made the decision last night to make Grunthal our last race of the 2020 season.  We believe that with the spike in COVID in our province we aren't willing to risk one more weekend of racing as we believe there is much more to lose than there is to gain in the end.  We have, along with each promoter, established strong working relationships with the regional health authorities and we want to ensure this relationship remains intact come spring 2021.  At this point we feel that this decision reflects our long term vision for a strong start to the 2021 motocross season.

Grassroots 204 would like to thank the promoters for their excellent work this past season, both on and off the track as we navigated our way through this pandemic.  Each track and their staff delivered an excellent weekend of racing, and our combined communication was seamless.  

We have many more people to thank, including our staff behind the scenes and of course our advertising partners as well.  For now we wanted to get this information out  to all of you so that you can go about making plans as a family for what is left of this glorious summer.  Finally and most importantly, we would like to thank all of you for your support this season. We know that we introduced a great deal of change, and naturally there was some initial skepticism with our plans.  And COVID did not help!  So we want to thank all of you for giving us an opportunity to execute our vision for what we believe motocross can look like in Manitoba.  And thanks for cooperating with our COVID protocols as this allowed us to go racing.  In the end, we feel like we all kind of stole this summer of racing, and we did what practically no one else did in the country.  We went racing!  And we had a tremendous turn out and steady growth in many classes throughout the summer.  It was worth every bit of stress and struggle.

Stay tuned for more news in the coming days.

