2019 Memberships Now Open

With the release of the 2019 schedule we know that you’re all itching to get your memberships squared away! The membership portal is now open with again 2 options for payment - online through our website and print and mail.

We will reserve race numbers from the previous year until April 1st, following that date the number will be available to all riders in your designated class - no exceptions.

PRINT + MAIL Payment

Please ensure to fill in all details for the membership form and include corresponding waiver form, whether you are an adult or minor.

Mail payment along with membership and waiver form to:

*Please make cheques payable to Manitoba Motocross Association

MMA Membership
Box 312
Oak Bluff, MB                                                                                        
R0G 1N0

Families (4+Members)

If you have 4 family members or more under the same roof registering you will be charged a cap rate of $285.  We need to process this payment manually.  Please print membership forms above and mail in.

If you run into any technical difficulties please email us and we'll try to help you along: manitobamotocross@gmail.com