Rider Clinics

Rider clinics are fast approaching! Don't forget to pre-register for the May 3rd Zhoda clinic and the May 10 FPC Brandon clinic. Pre-registration is required and can be found under the "Racers" tab on the website! http://www.mbmotox.com/clinic-registration/

2015 MMA Rider clinics

May 3      $40       Zhoda International Raceway, Zhoda, MB
May 10    $40       FPC Raceway, Brandon

  • Valid MMA Membership required
  • Single day memberships will be available day of ($35 fee)
    The purchase of 3 day memberships will qualify you for a full membership.
  • Minors, indicate if a parent /guardian will be in attendance.
    If not a signed parental waiver must accompany the minor in order to sign in.
  • Moto Medic will be in attendance for these clinics.
    Parents and friends are encouraged to attend to assist with flagging duties.